Secure Car Shipping has safely shipped 550,000+ vehicles to all 50 states. Read our 50,000+ online reviews to hear more about our 5-star customer service.

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      At Secure Car Shipping, your privacy is important to us. This policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your information when you visit our website,

      Information We Collect

      Personal Information: This includes your name, address, email, and phone number, which you provide when you contact us or use our services.

      Usage Data: We collect information about your visit to our site, like your IP address and the pages you view.

      Payment Information: If you make a payment, we collect your payment details, but we don’t store them. Our payment processor handles this information.

      Device Information: If you use our site from a mobile device, we may collect details about your device and its location.


      By entering your phone number and clicking submit, you consent to our Terms & conditions and Privacy Policy. You also permit us to contact you via sales calls, text messages, and prerecorded voicemails using an automated system. Providing your phone number is not required to purchase our services, and you can opt out at any time or choose to interact with us by phone. Standard message and data rates may apply.

      How We Use Your Information

      We use your information to:

      Manage your account and process transactions.

      Improve your experience on our site.

      Communicate with you about your orders or updates.

      Offer new services and promotions.

      Sharing Your Information

      We may share your information:

      With Service Providers: We may share your information with companies that help us with services like payment processing and customer support.

      For Legal Reasons: If required by law or to protect our rights, we may disclose your information.

      Business Transfers: If our business is sold or merged, your information may be transferred to the new owner.

      SMS Consent: SMS opt-in consent or phone numbers for SMS purposes will NOT be shared


      This site is not intended for individuals under the age of 16, and we do not knowingly collect or store personal information from anyone younger than 16. If you are 16 or younger, please do not use this site or any of its services.

      Protecting Your Information

      We use security measures to protect your information, but no method is completely secure. We strive to keep your data safe, but we can’t guarantee absolute security.

      Changes to This Policy

      We may update this policy occasionally. Check this page for any changes. By using our site, you agree to our privacy practices.

      Contact Us

      If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us through our contact page.